
Team Building of C11 Dual Degree MBA

22 November 2017 | Written by Oliver Du (Zhixiang Du), Delivered by Wendy Zhang (Siwen Zhang)

We are C11 dual degree* big family. We organized our first team building on October 14th-15th, 2017 successfully.

*C11 Donghua University- Carleton University Dual Degree MBA Program.

On 14th morning, we departed for the first stop Suzhou, which takes around 1.5 hours by driving there. For this journal our leader is Mr. Owen Wang (Huan Wang), who is also our “commissar”. Owen recommended a very beautiful place “East Mountain”, which moving along to “Tai Lake”, and on the other side, continuous mountains grow far away. 

At noon, we arrived at East Mountain. Owen asked a alocal resident to join us and naturally became our tour guide. Our guide has warmly invited us for a special lunch. After lunch, we’ve been invited to visit a small, but famous ancient village – Lu lane. It is one of the ancient water towns in Southern Yangtze River. It brought up many famous officials in the ancients, which includes one of the prime ministers of Ming Dynasty. So, we named the village as “XUE BA” village. Although it was raining all day, there’re many people come and go in a continuous stream for good luck of studying and working experience. We took this photo for memory as below, wishing we would have a good beginning for and from MBA program that we can all becoming “XUE BA” in the future.

In the evening, we arrived at the vintage inn – “Zhu Lin Ju”, which is a characeristic bamboo style hotel. In the hotel, all the furnitures, tool, keys are made of bamboo. It locats at the foot of “Wang Mountain (Flourishing Mountain) which is also a well received name for us.

We enjoyed a delicious dinner nearby with white wines and crabs. At the dinner party we got deepen understood of each other, bonded with one another, strengthened our vision and mission, and were ready to tackle the new mindset programme for ahead. The dinner lasted for more than 3 hours and we can not stop discussing. We are a family with brothers and sisters shown as below:

On 15th morning, we hold a small golf match. Classmates were engaged in the game. Someone were not good at this sport, while don’t worry, others offered the help as the coach. Among the new players appears our star player– Mr. Evan Tian (Liang Tian) - who has achieved fame for the victory of one single battle exactly. “It was my first time to play golf, but I kicked the longest distance – over 150 meters, so amazing!” said by Evan. He always told us “pose is everything”, and of course he showed us his charming poses in the game. 

We all come from different industries and come together with C11 dual class, totally 19 brothers and sisters. We organized this activity in order to learn more for each other. We would like to build a strong team, study and live together for 2.5 years and for the future. 

The boat was sailing when we first met, moving and exciting. We would like to share and enjoy lifetime with each other, leaving more memories, creating more miracles!

邵玥 2019級中加MBA


厲無畏 教授


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