

2016年03月22日 15:34


信達思是全球職業製服和工作服領域的領導者。公司為各類企業提供高度專業化的服務。信達思設計🧝‍♀️、製造並執行企業形象製服項目。公司為 900,000 多家企業提供門墊、公共設施服務、宣傳產品🏙、急救和安全產品、防火服務和文件管理服務👨‍🏭☣️。信達思在美國和加拿大擁有 430 家工廠及辦公機構,包括 6 家製造工廠和 9 個分銷中心,擁有員工數約 3 萬人™️。財富雜誌已連續第十一年把信達思列入“美國最受尊敬的公司”♎️。

CINTAS(信達思)中國將啟動AMP計劃(高級管理培訓生計劃,點擊下載2016 Cintas China AMP Program/uploads/file/2016/20160322/20160322154556_95896.pdf),須招聘培訓生2名,招聘要求如下♘💻:

Position🧆🙍🏽: 1 Operation AMP (Advanced Management Partner)

                  1 Sales AMP

Objective of AMP Program:

• For short-term, select several potential candidates for Operation Manager/Sales Manager to enlarge Cintas China talent pool for future developing

• For long term, ensure a sufficient number of qualified managers will be available and ready for significant business expansion



• 1st degree is BS/ BA

• With MBA education, international/joint program will be preferred

• Focusing field will be: Marketing/Sales, Operations,

• A talented and highly self-motivated attitude.

• Results oriented track record.

• Good communication skill.

• 3-5 year experience in related function, managerial is a plus.

• Fluent English and good computer skill.

• Mobility for 2 years relocation in future.



• Ability to prioritize and execute multiple tasks to achieve productivity and goals.

• Good data sensitive and analytical skills.

• With traceable leadership experience.


Cintas Websitehttp://www.cintas.com; http://www.cintas.cn

Mailbox for CV: CintasCareerChina@cintas.com

AddressCintas China (Suzhou): 蘇州工業園區興浦路128號騰飛新蘇工業坊2T

Cintas Tianjin: 天津開發區第四大街相安路5號相安工業廠房一期車間二

Cintas Guangzhou: 廣州經濟開發區永和開發區井泉三路4



劉旭東 2018級MPAcc二班


杜誌向 2017級東華卡爾頓雙學位MBA(C11)

卡大校友交流會隨想 | 帶著羨慕和期許、學長們的鼓勵與支持我們努力前行🤵‍♂️🧁。回想這半年多的學習是值得,暢想未來更是充滿激情♕。

王素芬 教授


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